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Why Care About Wellness?

Seems like a rhetorical question right? But is it really? Do the 35% of Americans considered obese ( give it a second thought? I’d bet some of them do, but how many just don’t know any better? Yes it would be easy to argue that everyone should know that drinking soda all day and eating fast food is a recipe for disaster, but that’s because I’ve made it a point to learn to do different.

You see, I grew up in poverty. My fridge always had soda in it, as many American households still do. I remember hot summers playing basketball, and what did we quench our thirst with? 2 liters of Mountain Dew. I never started paying attention until I got fat. What’s fat you ask? Well, for a guys that’s 5’5″  weighing 120 pounds soaking wet at my peak in high school, how about 160? To me that was too much.

What I’m advocating here isn’t just education, but finding a way to increase the appeal and affordability of healthy eating and quality foods. So you’re healthy already right? Why should you care? For one, there’s a cost to everyone in a country where large is fast becoming the norm. I have what some would consider a great health insurance plan, but I only need to see a doctor about once a year. Guess how much my family’s insurance plan actually costs? I pay currently about $4000 with pre tax dollars and my employer pays double that. So, $12,000 going to the insurance company and guess what? I still have a co-pay and a yearly deductable that I won’t meet unless something terrible happens. So if you’re already focused on your health, good job. Let’s get everyone else on board too!